Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Help With My Laptop Battery?

I accidentally dropped my laptop something like a month ago. Well, every time I put the battery surrounded by, the laptop goes sour. However, it works fine as long as I don't put the battery surrounded by and use the AC current. Now, I thought that it was the battery-operated and someone said that I may have messed it up, so I purchased a exotic one. Regardless of that, the laptop still goes rotten even if I place the new freestyle in. I really don't know what to do, but it is getting aggravating not human being able to be mobile next to my laptop.

Also, there are times when they upright will just stop working. Now, during this time the mouse will work, but I enjoy to start the computer over for the keys to function. Does anyone hold an idea of what could be going on? or should I simply get a investigational laptop?

Help With My Laptop Battery?

take your laptop to support center. it possibly your damaged battery-operated makes your laptop messed up

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