Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello to adjectives. I'm have problems choosing the right upgrades to my ACER 5570 laptop.?

It have an Intel Core Duo processor T2300E (1.66GHz, 667MHz FSB, 2MB L2 cache) 512MB DDR2, and built in illustrative media accelerator.

i involve everyone opinion in the order of it. what is the best Graphic card? and should i upgrade my RAM? please feel free to suggest.

P.S i use my laptop for most things close to gaming, internet chatting..etc.

Feel free to email me.

Thank you in finance


Hello to adjectives. I'm have problems choosing the right upgrades to my ACER 5570 laptop.?

You won't be able to upgrade the video card on the laptop. The graphics card contained by a laptop is built into the mainboard of the laptop and can't realistically be upgraded.

I think that you should definantly upgrade your RAM. Windows XP uses comparatively a bit of RAM and if you are playing games, it will require more RAM than you have available. I would catch at least another 512MB. Usually laptops hold two RAM slots. If both of them are full, then you own to replace your RAM chips with topical ones. If only one is full, you are contained by luck and can plug in a fresh RAM chip in the second slot.

The answers post by the user, for information simply, does not guarantee the right.

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